Thursday, July 06, 2006


call me obsessed? but i just cant help it hee. thought i might post some pictures of that spooky yet sweet girl Alma who's been making me feel uneasy for the past few days. but despite all the hideous things she's done and tried to do (heck, she even tried to kill me) maybe she's just misunderstood. i don't know cos i havent uncovered her story yet but from what i've seen so far, it seems pretty sad.
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loll. thats her. she keeps her hair down in that spooky and jap horror like manner. and a rather striking red dress kind of thingy. i cant quite make out her face. haha.
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thats her making an appearance in some random corridor. abit freaky when she does that. especially since she sort of vanishes when you try and get closer to her. she always appears in the scariest of places. like in the lift while you are alone and the lights are flickering.
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thats another pic of her, similar to the first. but what can i say, she is a character that has intrigued me. hopefully i can find out her sad story pretty soon. and i just wish she'd stop scaring me. though i heard from some random guy that she's actually scared of me. haha. oh wait. i can make out her face abit. loll. like it really matters. hope she's not behind me now getting pissed at publicizing her on the web. haha. i'm going nuts.

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